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Position:Home > Product Centre > FISH Probe Kits & Reagents Product Centre

  • +86 027 8757 0662 Ext. #812
  • Building #8, Optics Valley Precision Medicine Industry Base, No. 9 Hi-Tech Park 3rd Road, East Lake New Technology Development Zone,

IVD - FP050 SRD(1p36) Gene Deletion Probe Detection Kit


Cat.# FP-050: SRD(1p36) Gene Deletion Probe Detection Kit (IVD)


The 1p36 region is frequently deleted in a broad range of human cancers. The CHD5 gene acts as a tumour suppressor at 1p36 and is frequently deleted in human gliomas, leukaemia/lymphoma and neuroblastoma. This is the most common childhood extracranial solid tumour accounting for around 8%-10% of childhood cancers and 15% of childhood cancer deaths. The CHD5 gene has been characterised as the lead tumour suppressor candidate from the 1p36 SRD (smallest region of consistent deletion) region in neuroblastoma.

[Download] SRD(1p36) Gene Deletion Probe Instructions

[Download MSDS] MSDS