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Position:Home > Product Centre > FISH Probe Kits & Reagents Product Centre

  • +86 027 8757 0662 Ext. #812
  • Building #8, Optics Valley Precision Medicine Industry Base, No. 9 Hi-Tech Park 3rd Road, East Lake New Technology Development Zone,

IVD - FP385 TAL1 Break Apart Probe Detection Kit

Cat.# FP-385: TAL1 Break Apart Probe Detection Kit


TAL1/SCL is one of the most prevalent oncogenes in T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL). TAL1 and its regulatory partners (GATA3, RUNX1, and MYB) positively regulate each other and coordinately regulate the expression of their downstream target genes in T-ALL cells. The TAL1 (or SCL) gene, originally identified from its involvement by a recurrent chromosomal translocation, encodes a basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor essential for erythropoiesis. Although presumed to regulate transcription, its target genes are largely unknown.

[Download] TAL1 Gene Break Apart Probe Instructions

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