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Position:Home > Product Centre > FISH Probe Kits & Reagents Product Centre

  • +86 027 8757 0662 Ext. #812
  • Building #8, Optics Valley Precision Medicine Industry Base, No. 9 Hi-Tech Park 3rd Road, East Lake New Technology Development Zone,

IVD Ready for use FISH Probe Kits Full List

IVD Ready For Use FISH Probe Kits Product List

[Download]: IVD Ready For Use FISH Probe Kits Product List

Flexible Dye Selection

Fluorescein color

Excitation wavelength

Emission wavelength


Orange (RHO)



Orange Monochannel ; Green/Orange Dual Channel

Green (FITC)



Green Monochannel ; Green/Orange Dual Channel

DAPI (Blue)




Our Product Advantages:

a). FISH probes (FastProbe®) hybridization time of 2 hours (blood cell and tissue) against 16-24 hours for conventional probes in the market. 

b). FISH probes (FastProbe®) using the Non-Repetitive Sequences technology ensuing a product with a very good hybridization result, good and clear signal to background noise, high specificity and accuracy.

c). FISH probes (FastProbe®) with a very good anti-quenching effect allowing long observation under fluorescence microscope.

d). An excellent customer service with very short lead time from PO confirmation to shipment.

e). Very competitive affordable price. 

Fast Fluorescence In-Situ Hybridization (FISH) Probe

Protocol Manual

        1. SAMPLE

        A. Tissue

        (1) a). Paraffin-embedded tissue samples fixation with 4% formaldehyde for 6-72 hours.

           b). Thickness: 3-5µm

        (2) Glass slides: Adhesive slides.


        B. Cells

        (1) a). Anticoagulated fresh bone marrow (Storage conditions 4oC, within 24h).

           b). Bone marrow cells accurate fixation (Storage conditions -20oC, within 6 months).

        (2) Glass slides: Ordinary/Common glass slides.



        Pretreatment procedure

        A. Tissue - Slides pretreatment (sample releasing agent)

        1. Slides heating: Heat at 80oC for 30min or 65oC for 2h or overnight.

        2. Dewaxing: Deparaffinization agent 68oC for 15min.

        3. Washing: Wash with anhydrous EtOH at room temperature for 5min.

        4. Permeation: Permeation agent 90oC for 20min or deionized water 90oC for 40min.

        5. Washing: Wash with distilled water at 37oC for 3min.

        6. Digestion: Enzymic digestion at 37oC for 10-40min. Enzyme working buffer and Protease solution (10x) in 9:1 proportion.

        7. Washing: At room temperature, wash with cleaning solution twice, 5min each time.

        8. Dehydration: With 70%, 85% and 100% gradient EtOH for 2min.

        9. Dry at room temperature.


        B. Cell - Slides pretreatment

        1. Slides heating: Heat at 56oC for 30min.

        2. Washing: At room temperature, wash with cleaning solution twice, 5min each time.

        3. Dehydration: With 70%, 85% and 100% gradient EtOH for 2min.

        4. Dry at room temperature.




        Before probe use, invert the tube up and down for 5 times. Centrifuge instantaneously for 1-2 sec., if there is a persistent red substance, invert until the substance disappearance.


        A. Tissue - Slides FISH hybridization

        a). 85oC denaturation for 5min.

        b). 42oC hybridization for 2h (for pretreatment made with HealthCare Biotech FISH Pretreatment Reagent Kit) or Overnight (for pretreatment made without HealthCare Biotech FISH Pretreatment Kit Reagent).


        B. Cells - FISH hybridization

        a). 88oC denaturation for 2min.

        b). 45oC hybridization for 2h.


        4. WASHING

        1. Wash at room temperature with 2xSSC solution for 1min.

        2. Washing solution 68oC (Neutral 0.3% NP-40/0.4 x SSC solution) for 3min.

        3. Deionized water at 37oC for 1min.

        4. Dry at room temperature.


        5. DYEING

        DAPI counterstaining for 10 min.



        Target area analysis under fluorescence microscope (HealthCare Biotech FastProbe® filter parameters: Green (495/518), Orange (553/565), DAPI (367/452).