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Position:Home > Product Centre > FISH Probe Kits & Reagents Product Centre

  • +86 027 8757 0662 Ext. #812
  • Building #8, Optics Valley Precision Medicine Industry Base, No. 9 Hi-Tech Park 3rd Road, East Lake New Technology Development Zone,

IVD - FP185 KMT2A/AFF1 Gene Fusion Probe Detection Kit

Cat.# FP-185: KMT2A/AFF1 Gene Fusion Probe Detection Kit


Translocation t (4;11) (q21;q23) leads to the production of the KMT2A and AFF1 fusion gene. It accounts for approximately 5-10% of newly diagnosed cases of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) mainly in children. Chromosomal translocations of the lysine methyltransferase 2A (KMT2A) gene produce KMT2A fusion proteins such as KMT2A-AFF1 (previously MLL-AF4), causing poor prognosis acute lymphoblastic leukemias (ALLs) that sometimes relapse as acute myeloid leukemias (AMLs). KMT2A-AFF1 drives leukemogenesis through direct binding and inducing the aberrant overexpression of key genes, such as the anti-apoptotic factor BCL2 and the proto-oncogene MYC.

[Download] KMT2A/AFF1 Gene Fusion Probe Instructions

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