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  • +86 027 8757 0662 Ext. #812
  • Building #8, Optics Valley Precision Medicine Industry Base, No. 9 Hi-Tech Park 3rd Road, East Lake New Technology Development Zone,

IVD - FP290 BRAF/KIAA1549 Gene Fusion t(7;7) Probe Detection Kit

Cat.# FP-290: BRAF/KIAA1549 Gene Fusion t(7;7) Probe Detection Kit


BRAF gene encodes a protein belonging to the RAF family of serine/threonine protein kinases. This protein plays a role in regulating the MAP kinase/ERK signaling pathway, which affects cell division, differentiation, and secretion. Mutations in this gene, most commonly the V600E mutation, are the most frequently identified cancer-causing mutations in melanoma, and have been identified in various other cancers as well, including non-Hodgkin lymphoma, colorectal cancer, thyroid carcinoma, non-small cell lung carcinoma, hairy cell leukemia and adenocarcinoma of lung. Mutations in this gene are also associated with cardiofaciocutaneous, Noonan, and Costello syndromes, which exhibit overlapping phenotypes. A pseudogene of this gene has been identified on the X chromosome. [provided by RefSeq, Aug 2017].

The protein encoded by KIAA1549 gene belongs to the UPF0606 family. This gene has been found to be fused to the BRAF oncogene in many cases of pilocytic astrocytoma. The fusion results from 2Mb tandem duplications at 7q34. Alternative splicing results in multiple transcript variants. [provided by RefSeq, Oct 2012].

BRAF fusion involving the KIAA1549 gene is a hallmark of pilocytic astrocytoma, but it has also been recorded in rare cases of gangliogliomas, 1p/19q co-deleted oligodendroglial tumors, and it is also a common feature of disseminated oligodendroglial-like leptomeningeal neoplasm. In some difficult cases, evidence for KIAA1549-BRAF fusion is of utmost importance for the diagnosis. Moreover, because the KIAA1549-BRAF fusion constitutively activates the MAP kinase pathway, it represents a target for drugs such as MEK inhibitors, and therefore, the detection of this genetic abnormality is highly relevant in the context of clinical trials applying such new approaches.

[Download] BRAF/KIAA1549 Gene Fusion t(7;7) Probe Instructions

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